Artwork by Sonja Hinrichsen

Snow Drawings, Colorado 2009

Snow Drawings, Colorado 2009

These drawings were created with snowshoes in the Colorado Rocky Mountains (near Aspen) in February, March and the beginning of April. While some of them lasted for several days and changed / disappeared slowly through the influence of sun, wind and new snow, others only lasted for several hours, as new snowfall covered them, or the strong April sun consumed them rapidly.

All images on this blog © Sonja Hinrichsen – reproduction of images only with permission
contact: sonja[at]

Big Circle was also recorded on video (its creation process). It took 20 minutes to complete



Snakes, playing with the low angle of the morning sun, which creates contrast and makes the imprints appear dark from one side and bright white form the other side




Large Circles


Large Circles later in the day, with different light


Double Spiral got finished just in time before the sun set


Whirls, someone didn’t like them and destroyed them right after they were finished by walking right through them. Luckily I had already taken all my photos


Whirls, details





8-circles was created during a very sunny day and parts of it faded away (due to melting) while I was still working on the piece


8-circles, details




a detail of 6-circles in the foreground and 8-circles on the slope in the background


6-circles, details







Oval was created when I was on my way to the swimming pool. It was intended to be just a small piece, but it turned out bigger and it’s one of my most favorite


Golf Course Field


6 Responses

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  1. Jeff said, on March 14, 2011 at 2:10 am

    Simply marvelous. Thank you.

  2. […] info, Sonja Hinrichsen avait déjà réalisé en 2009, seule, des cercles moins importants dans les montagnes du […]

  3. […] trasformare un campo innevato in una tela bianca da disegnare sciando (snow drawing), Sonja e i suoi volontari avevano bisogno delle giuste condizioni meteo, di lavorare velocemente e […]

  4. Krystel Turlet said, on March 4, 2012 at 3:21 pm

    Unique et tellement pur …

  5. Esther said, on December 17, 2012 at 7:06 pm

    Gewoon prachtig! Lijkt me ook heerlijk om te maken: lekker de hele dag in t zonnetje in je snowshoes rondstappen in de sneeuw, en het is daar al zo mooi en zo stil…

  6. Kunst in de Sneeuw « Marlies in Afrika said, on December 28, 2012 at 11:13 pm

    […] Snow Drawings gemaakt door Sonja Hinrichsen. Simpelweg verbazingwekkend. Dat je op zo’n simpele manier toch iets moois kan doen met het landschap. Je kan hier natuurlijk een hele discussie houden over of dit wel kunst is of niet, maar denk er maar eens over na. Het idee is natuurlijk ook belangrijk en ik zie de esthetische factor wel. Het intrigeert me wel. […]

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